Policy Statements
Wine Storage Policy
Wine Storage Policy
To maintain and improve the Wine Storage Management System (“WSMS”) for both fine wine and commercial wine by introducing the applicable best practices including the certification requirements and code of practice within HKQAA Wine Storage Management Systems.
Management representatives ensure the effective implementation and maintenance of the WSMS and establish the performance measurement indicators for demonstrating the achievement of the defined objectives below.
It is the responsibility of every employee and contractor to adhere to this policy and reach our goals of the following:
- continually and effectively improving our performance in wine storage and delivery activities;
- complying with and surpassing standard certification requirements and code of practice within HKQAA Wine Storage Management Systems and all applicable legal requirements;
- promoting sound wine storage and delivery practices within the Company and the industry;
- setting and reviewing the Wine Storage Management Plan and its objectives;
- identifying and minimising the risks which may cause all kinds of loss and/or damage of the wine in store and in transit;
- preventing unauthorised access to the wine cellars and conveyance;
- establishing a preventive maintenance programme to minimise breakdowns of facility equipment and vehicles, disruptions to wine logistics services and power outage;
- minimising adverse environmental impacts on wine including fluctuation in temperature and relative humidity, UV rays exposure and continuous vibration;
- enhancing colleagues and contractors’ awareness of WSMS;
- establishing contingency action plans for invocation in the event of power failure, mechanical breakdowns and other disruptions;
- employing competent staff and providing adequate competency training or education.